Does Your Property Management Company check previous Landlords and Employers?

A good property management company knows having a great tenant who will keep your property clean and undamaged is very important to you.

Having a great tenant is important to you as a property owner. Legacy Properties can help with your rental properties in and around Denver and Aurora, Colorado.

A Different Type of Property Management Company

Unlike a property management company who will rent your property in Colorado to the first interested tenant, we make sure they are GOOD tenants. We actually search, find and interview your potential tenant’s previous employers and landlords to be sure your new tenant will…

  • Keep your property in good shape
  • Keep your property clean
  • Pay all rents and fees on time

By actually contacting previous employers and landlords, we find out if:

  • They have good relationship with their previous landlord
  • They are actually employed by the company they say they are

and most importantly as a Property Management company, we will determine that your new tenants are responsible and mature adults.

Isn’t that the goal with hiring a property management company in the first place?

A simple background check is just not enough. It is helpful to know about arrest warrants and criminal records, but isn’t it important to know about their ability and willingness to pay?

The eviction process is not something you want to go through, and the easiest way to avoid it is to use a pro-active screening for that type of information. By checking with previous landlords, we can see what their relationship was while living there. Doesn’t a good relationship mean they also paid?

An employment check means we are able to determine if they are currently employed as they say they are. We would never place a tenant who did not have the means to pay rent!

You can trust and will feel at ease with Legacy Properties. We are a property management company who will protect your legacy by finding quality tenants for you in Colorado.


720 989 1996

aurora property management

Can you trust your new tenant?

We Know The City and County Codes in Colorado

Concerned about licensing your rental property in Colorado?

None of our Property Management Service clients are.

Why? Because we make sure all of your license paper work is filled out completely and submitted to the correct city.

Call 720 989 1996 and we will gladly check to see if your property license has been filed correctly.