Radon Disclosure: Understanding Colorado Senate Bill 23-206

Radon Disclosure: Understanding Colorado Senate Bill 23-206


As tenants in Colorado, it’s crucial to be aware of new legislation that impacts our living conditions and safety. The Colorado Senate Bill 23-206, effective from August 7, 2023, brings significant changes to how radon information is handled in residential properties. Let’s break down what this bill means for you as a tenant.

What is Radon?

Firstly, it’s important to understand what radon is. Radon is a naturally occurring, radioactive gas that can be harmful to health, particularly if it accumulates in indoor environments like homes.

Key Aspects of the Bill

  1. Radon Awareness in Real Estate:
    • The bill mandates that any contract for selling residential real estate must include a warning about the dangers of radon and the need for radon testing.
    • If you’re renting, your landlord is required to provide you with information about any known radon levels in the property and any past radon mitigation efforts.
  2. Your Rights as a Tenant:
    • You now have the right to know about the radon levels in your home. This transparency can help you make informed decisions about your living space.
    • If your landlord fails to disclose this information or address high radon levels, you can void your lease. However, from January 1, 2026, this will only apply to leases longer than a year.
  3. Brochures and Public Health Information:
    • Landlords and sellers must also provide a current brochure published by the Department of Public Health and Environment, which offers advice about radon in real estate transactions.

Implications for Tenants

  • Increased Safety and Health Awareness:
    • This bill empowers you with knowledge about radon risks in your home, contributing to a safer and healthier living environment.
  • Empowerment in Lease Agreements:
    • As a tenant, you have more power to ensure your home is safe from radon exposure. If landlords don’t comply with these new rules, you have legal grounds to terminate your lease.
  • Collaboration with Landlords:
    • Encourage open communication with your landlord about radon testing and mitigation. This bill facilitates a collaborative approach to ensure safe living conditions.


Colorado Senate Bill 23-206 is a significant step towards better public health and safety in residential properties. As tenants, it’s essential to be aware of these changes and understand your rights and the responsibilities of your landlords. Stay informed, stay safe, and ensure your home is a healthy place to live.

Understanding the New Tenant Protections in Colorado: A Guide for Renters

Understanding the New Tenant Protections in Colorado: A Guide for Renters

As tenants in Colorado, it’s crucial to stay informed about the laws that affect your rights and responsibilities. The recent Senate Bill 23-184 introduces several significant changes aimed at strengthening tenant protections. Here’s an easy-to-understand breakdown of what this new legislation means for you.

1. Restrictions on Landlord Background Checks:

  • Your Past Doesn’t Define You: Landlords can no longer delve into your rental or credit history beyond seven years. This change means that older financial difficulties or housing issues won’t unfairly impact your current rental applications.

2. Income and Subsidy Considerations:

  • Income Sources: If you receive housing subsidies, landlords cannot discriminate based on the amount of your income or your credit score, with a few exceptions. This provision helps ensure that your application is judged fairly, regardless of your income source.
  • Income Thresholds: For those without subsidies, your income needs to be at least 200% of the annual rent. This rule is designed to prevent unrealistic income expectations from landlords.

3. Income-Restricted Units:

  • Special Cases: Landlords managing income-restricted units (like affordable housing) can still check financial information to verify eligibility. This exception is necessary to maintain the integrity of income-based housing programs.

4. Penalties for Discrimination:

  • Legal Protections: Any violation of these new rules is considered discriminatory. If your landlord breaches these terms, they may face legal consequences, including penalties and the potential to pay your attorney fees.

5. Security Deposit Limit:

  • Cap on Deposits: Now, landlords can only ask for up to two months’ rent as a security deposit. This cap makes moving into a new rental more affordable and prevents exorbitant upfront costs.

6. Defending Against Eviction:

  • A New Defense: If your landlord tries to evict you and they have violated these housing laws, you can use this as a defense in court. This addition is a significant empowerment for tenants facing unjust eviction.

7. Effective Dates and Applicability:

  • Know the Timeline: These changes are not retroactive but apply to any actions by landlords from the date the law comes into effect. Keeping track of these dates is crucial to understanding your rights.

Key Takeaways for Tenants:

  • You’re Protected: These new laws offer more robust protections against discrimination and unfair practices.
  • Be Informed: Understanding these changes helps you stand up for your rights and ensures fair treatment in the rental market.
  • Legal Recourse: If you face issues, remember that these laws provide you avenues for legal action and defense.

This legislative change marks a significant step forward in tenant rights and protections in Colorado. Staying informed and understanding your rights under these new provisions is key to navigating the rental market confidently and securely.

Understanding Senate Bill 23-148: A Guide for Tenants in Colorado

Understanding Senate Bill 23-148: A Guide for Tenants in Colorado

As a tenant in Colorado, it’s crucial to stay informed about legislation that impacts your living environment, especially concerning properties used for illegal activities. The recent Senate Bill 23-148, focusing on properties utilized for the illegal manufacture of drugs like methamphetamine, brings several changes that could affect you. Let’s break down what this means in simple terms.

1. Amended Legal Obligations for Property Owners

If you’re living in a property that was once used as a meth lab, your landlord now has clear legal obligations. Once they receive a certificate of compliance post-cleanup, or if the property is demolished, they must inform the local government and the Department of Public Health and Environment. This ensures your living space meets safety standards.

2. Public Database of Former Drug Laboratories

Starting January 1, 2024, there will be an online database listing residential properties previously used as meth labs. This database is public, meaning you can check if your current or prospective home is listed. Properties are removed from the list five years after they receive a clean bill of health.

3. Reporting of Illegal Drug Labs

If an illegal drug lab is discovered on a property, law enforcement and consultants are required to report this to the Department, including details like the address and owner’s name. This helps keep a transparent record and ensures such properties are properly handled and cleaned.

4. Definition of Uninhabitable Premises

The bill also clarifies when a residential premise is considered uninhabitable. If your rental was used as a drug lab, it must be properly remediated following specific health and safety guidelines to be livable again.

5. Disclosure Rules for Sellers

This might not directly impact you as a tenant, but it’s good to know. Sellers of properties that were once meth labs and have been cleaned do not need to disclose this history after a certain period. This means if you’re planning to buy a home, it’s wise to check the public database.

6. Budget Allocation for Implementation

The state has allocated funds to ensure these new rules are enforced. This includes maintaining the database and ensuring all properties comply with the new standards.

7. Effective Date and Applicability

The new rules will take effect after the ninety-day period following the adjournment of the General Assembly. If there’s a petition against this act, it will only become law if the public votes for it in November 2024. Importantly, it applies to drug labs discovered after this date.

As a tenant, it’s reassuring to know that there are measures in place to ensure your home is safe from the dangers associated with former illegal drug laboratories. It’s always a good practice to stay informed about such legislative changes, as they directly impact your living conditions and safety. Remember, knowledge is power, especially when it comes to your home and health!

Understanding Colorado’s New Bill on Remote Participation in Eviction Proceedings

Understanding Colorado’s New Bill on Remote Participation in Eviction Proceedings

Navigating the complexities of rental agreements and eviction laws can be daunting for prospective tenants. However, a new development in Colorado’s legal landscape offers a significant change that could impact your rights as a tenant. House Bill 23-1186, recently passed by the Colorado General Assembly, introduces provisions for remote participation in residential eviction proceedings in county courts. Here’s an easy-to-understand breakdown of what this means for you.

The Challenge of In-Person Court Appearances

Traditionally, tenants facing eviction had to appear in person in court. This posed several challenges, including conflicts with work schedules, childcare needs, transportation issues, and difficulties for those with disabilities. Missing a court appearance often led to a default judgment and eviction without a hearing.

The Shift to Remote Participation

The new bill acknowledges these challenges and introduces a more flexible approach. It allows for remote participation in eviction proceedings, meaning you can attend hearings via phone or video call. This change is based on findings that remote participation can significantly reduce the rate of tenants failing to appear in court.

Key Provisions of the Bill

  1. Choice of Participation: You can choose to appear in court either in person or remotely. This choice extends to all parties involved, including witnesses.
  2. Electronic Filing for Pro Se Defendants: If you’re representing yourself (pro se), you can file your response to an eviction electronically, making the process more accessible.
  3. No Additional Fees for Indigent Parties: If you’re unable to afford court fees, the bill ensures that you won’t be charged for e-filing or other related services.
  4. Handling Technology Failures: If there’s a technical issue during your remote participation, the court will attempt to reconnect with you. If reconnection fails, the hearing will be rescheduled, and you won’t be penalized with a default judgment for technical difficulties.
  5. Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act: The bill mandates that all proceedings, whether in-person or remote, comply with disability laws, ensuring accessibility for all participants.
  6. Summons and Complaints: The summons you receive must clearly state your right to remote participation and the privacy of court records. The complaint filed against you must indicate how the plaintiff (usually the landlord) intends to participate.
  7. Appropriation of Funds: The bill allocates over $400,000 for implementing these changes, including improvements in court technology and infrastructure.

What This Means for You

As a prospective tenant in Colorado, this bill empowers you with more options and protections in the unfortunate event of an eviction proceeding. It ensures that your ability to defend yourself is not hindered by logistical challenges. The move towards remote participation is a significant step in making the legal process more accessible and equitable.

Final Thoughts

Understanding your rights and the legal processes involved in tenancy is crucial. This new bill is a positive development, aiming to reduce unnecessary evictions and provide fairer access to justice for all tenants. If you find yourself in an eviction proceeding, remember these new provisions and know that the law has provisions to support your participation, regardless of your circumstances.

This article aims to demystify the legal jargon and make you aware of your rights as a tenant in Colorado. Remember, staying informed is your first line of defense in any legal matter related to your tenancy.

Understanding Colorado’s New Eviction Protection Law

Understanding Colorado’s New Eviction Protection Law

In a significant move to safeguard tenants receiving public assistance, Colorado has introduced House Bill 23-1120. This new legislation aims to address the imbalance in eviction proceedings and provide stronger protections for vulnerable tenants. Here’s a breakdown of what this means for Colorado residents:

1. Bridging the Legal Representation Gap

The bill recognizes a stark difference in legal representation between landlords and tenants during evictions. Historically, landlords are more likely to have legal counsel, leaving tenants at a disadvantage. The new law seeks to level the playing field, particularly for those receiving public assistance such as Supplemental Security Income or Social Security Disability Insurance.

2. Mandatory Mediation: A Key Feature

A standout feature of the bill is the introduction of mandatory mediation. Before landlords can proceed with evictions, they must engage in a mediation process with tenants receiving public assistance. This step is crucial in providing a neutral platform for both parties to discuss and potentially resolve disputes without resorting to eviction.

3. Extended Time for Writ of Restitution

The law extends the time before a writ of restitution (an order to vacate) can be executed. This change gives additional time for tenants with disabilities or those on fixed incomes to find new housing, reducing the risk of homelessness.

4. Reporting and Transparency

Starting in 2024, the Judicial Department will report annually on the mediation process. This includes the number of mediations, their outcomes, and costs. This transparency is key in evaluating the effectiveness of the new measures.

5. Fair Housing Practices

Landlords can inquire if a tenant receives public assistance to comply with the new eviction process. However, this cannot be used as a basis for discrimination, ensuring fair housing practices.

6. Rental Agreement Changes

Rental agreements must now include clauses that reflect these new protections. Notably, agreements cannot include waivers for mandatory mediation or clauses that allow landlords to charge tenants for mediation costs.

7. Funding and Urgency

The bill includes funding provisions for the judicial department to implement these changes and emphasizes the urgency of these protections for public safety and welfare.

In summary, House Bill 23-1120 is a progressive step towards protecting Colorado’s most vulnerable tenants. By ensuring fairer eviction processes and providing additional safeguards, the bill aims to reduce homelessness and promote equitable housing practices across the state.

Understanding Colorado’s New Tenant Screening Law

Understanding Colorado’s New Tenant Screening Law

Navigating the New Landscape of Renting in Colorado

Are you looking to rent a home in Colorado? There’s a new law in town that you should know about! House Bill 23-1099, recently passed in Colorado, is changing the game for tenants and landlords alike. Here’s a breakdown of what this means for you as a prospective tenant.

What’s New?

  1. Portable Tenant Screening Reports: Think of this as your rental resume. This report includes your basic information, employment, income, past addresses, rental history, and even a criminal record check. The best part? You can use this report for multiple rental applications without having to pay multiple fees.
  2. No More Unfair Application Fees: Landlords can no longer charge you an application fee if you provide your own tenant screening report. This means you can save money while applying for different rental properties.
  3. Landlords Must Accept Your Report: As long as your report is recent (within the last 30 days) and comes from a recognized agency, landlords are required to accept it. They can’t charge you extra for using your report either.
  4. Know Your Rights: Landlords must inform you about your right to use a portable tenant screening report. This information should be clear in their advertisements, on their websites, and in the rental application itself.
  5. Penalties for Non-Compliance: If a landlord doesn’t follow these rules, they could be liable to pay you $2,500, plus any legal costs. However, if they correct their mistake within a week of notice, the penalty is reduced.

What Does This Mean for You?

This law empowers you as a tenant. It makes the rental process more transparent and less costly. You can now shop around for the perfect home without the burden of multiple application fees. Plus, you’re protected against unfair practices by landlords.

In Summary

House Bill 23-1099 is a big win for tenants in Colorado. It simplifies the rental process, saves you money, and gives you more control. As you embark on your journey to find the perfect rental home, keep this new law in mind. It’s designed to make your rental experience fairer and more enjoyable.

Happy house hunting in Colorado! 🏠🌄