Our Blog

This is an online resource for landlords and tenants alike.

Please take a moment to peruse the articles below, and if you have any questions at all, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Finding the Perfect Tenant

Finding the Perfect Tenant

A Step-by-Step Guide to the Tenant Screening Process As a property manager, finding the perfect tenant is crucial to the success of your rental property. Not only do good tenants pay their rent on time and take care of the property, but they also have a positive...

Rental Property Emergencies – Who Do You Call?

Rental Property Emergencies – Who Do You Call?

The featured image of this house on fire hits close to home - because it is MY HOME. And it motivated this article to ask this: When you experience rental property emergencies - who do you call? You have been trained that when emergencies like fire or flooding happen...

Why Renter’s Insurance is So Important

Why Renter’s Insurance is So Important

Renter's Insurance Many times renters feel like they don’t need or want renter’s insurance.  They view it as just another way for landlords to line their pockets with [our] good money. This article will clear up a few misconceptions about renter’s insurance, and why...

Eviction – When it Becomes Necessary

Eviction – When it Becomes Necessary

We all want to believe the best of people – especially tenants who occupy your rental property. And whether the term of the lease has expired, or the lease agreement has been violated in one way or another; if a tenant decides to stop paying but wishes to remain in...

Renter Experience Sets You Apart

Renter Experience Sets You Apart

According to the 2018 Buildium Renter’s Report, a majority of the 22 million new households expected to form by 2030 will be renters. The number of Americans who choose the renter experience over buying is expected to increase exponentially, and is...